10th International Conference on Cryptology in India
Indocrypt 2009
December 13 - 16, 2009, New Delhi, India

Tutorial Speakers

(to be held on Sunday December 13, 2009)

Invited Speakers

  • Dan Bernstein, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
  • Marc Girault, Orange Labs, France
  • Thomas Johansson, Lund University, Sweden

Contributed Talks

Post-Quantum Cryptology

Secure Parameters for SWIFFT
Johannes Buchmann and Richard Lindner
FSBday: Implementing Wagner's generalized birthday attack against the round-1 SHA-3 candidate FSB
Daniel J. Bernstein, Tanja Lange, Ruben Niederhagen, Christiane Peters, Peter Schwabe

Key Agreement Protocols

Sanjit Chatterjee and Alfred Menezes and Berkant Ustaoglu
A Study of Two-Party Certificateless Authenticated Key-Agreement Protocols
David Jao and Colleen Swanson

Side Channel Attacks

Differential Fault Analysis of Rabbit: Toward a Secret Key Leakage
Alexandre Berzati, Cecile Canovas and Louis Goubin
On Physical Obfuscation of Cryptographic Algorithms
Julien Bringer, Hervé Chabanne, Thomas Icart
Cache Timing Attacks on CLEFIA
Chester Rebeiro and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay

Symmetric Cryptology

Software oriented stream ciphers based upon FCSRs in diversified mode
Thierry Berger, Marine Minier and Benjamin Pousse
On the Symmetric Negabent Boolean Functions
Sumanta Sarkar
Improved Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on AES
İhsan Taşkın and Mustafa Çoban and Adnan Baysal and Hüseyin Demirci

Hash Functions

Related-Key Rectangle Attack of the Full 80-Round HAS-160 Encryption Mode
Orr Dunkelman and Ewan Fleischmann and Michael Gorski and Stefan Lucks
Second Preimage Attack on SHAMATA-512
Kota Ideguchi and Dai Watanabe
Towards Secure and Practical MACs for Body Sensor Networks
Zheng Gong, Pieter Hartel, Svetla Nikova and Bo Zhu
Indifferentiability Characterization of Hash Functions and Optimal Bounds of Popular Domain Extensions
Rishiraj Bhattacharyya and Avradip Mandal and Mridul Nandi
A distinguisher for the compression function of SIMD-512
Tomislav Nad and Florian Mendel

Number Theoretic Cryptology

Sampling from Signed Quadratic Residues: RSA Group is Pseudofree
Mahabir Prasad Jhanwar and Rana Barua
Software Implementation of Pairing-Based Cryptography on Sensor Networks Using the MSP430 Microcontroller
Conrado Porto Lopes Gouvêa and Julio López
A New Hard-Core Predicate of Paillier's Trapdoor Function
Dong Su and Lv Kewei

Lightweight Cryptology

Private Interrogation of Devices via Identification Codes
Gérard Cohen and Bruno Kindarji
RFID Distance Bounding Multistate Enhancement
Gildas Avoine and Christian Floerkemeier and Benjamin Martin
Two Attacks against the Ff RFID Protocol
Olivier Billet and Kaoutar El-Khiyaoui

Signature Protocols

Efficient Constructions of Signcryption Schemes and Signcryption Composability
Takahiro Matsuda and Kanta Matsuura and Jacob C. N. Schuldt
On Generic Constructions of Designated Confirmer Signatures (The ``Encryption of a Signature'' Paradigm Revisited)
Laila El Aimani
Verifiably Encrypted Signatures from RSA without NIZKs
Markus Rückert
Identity Based Aggregate Signcryption Schemes
Sharmila Deva Selvi S, Sree Vivek S, Shriram J, Kalaivani S, Pandu Rangan C

Multiparty Computation

Oblivious Multi-variate Polynomial Evaluation
Gerald Gavin and Marine Minier
Round Efficient Unconditionally Secure MPC and Multiparty Set Intersection with Optimal Resilience
Arpita Patra and Ashish Choudhary and C. Pandu Rangan
Non-committing Encryptions Based on Oblivious Naor-Pinkas Cryptosystems
Huafei Zhu
Last modification December 18, 2009